mohon tehnik ini dicoba dalam demo akun dulu untuk belajar, sebelum siap mencoba real akunnya.
Dan semoga sedikit ilmu kecil ini berguna dan barokah untuk semuanya, amieeen.
Untuk masta momod dan masta mimin, kalau pun tread ini sudah pernah
dishare atau sekiranya tidak berbobot, mohon dihapus aja, dan saya
ucapkan terima kasih dan mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya, sedikitpun
saya tidak berniat untuk membuat junk post. saya hanya ingin trader
newbie indo MT5 bisa konsisten dalam trading.
"Misalkan Anda memiliki dana $100, saya sarankan untuk membuka acc micro
agar pengaturan Money Managementnya lebih teratur dikarenakan modal
anda yang kecil.
Tapi anggaplah kita trading di MT4 micro cent. Dengan modal $100 di MT4 anda akan terlihat seperti memiliki uang $10.000.
Ok, sekarang per tradingnya kita hanya meresikokan 2%, artinya dengan
modal seperti di atas berarti kita hanya mespekulasikan $10.000 x 2% =
$200 /trading.
Kemudian tentukan batas SL Anda berapa pips sehingga kita bisa
menentukan Lot yang akan di buka nantinya. Saya contohkan SL kita
menurut sistem trading mesti 30 pips.
Maka rumus perhitungan lot nya sebagai berikut:
Lot = (Balance x Risk)/SL/10
Seperti contoh di atas diketahui:
Balance = $10.000
Risk = 2%
SL = 30
maka Lot = (10.000 x 2%)/30/10 = 200/30/10 = 0.66 lot
artinya dengan membuka 0.66 lot dan kena SL 30 pips, loss anda cuma $200 atau 2% dari Balance.
Nah tinggal pilih saja mau yang mana, profit yang luar biasa tanpa MM
yang ketat, namun dalam satu malam account anda drop bersamaan dengan
psikologi anda atau menggunakan MM yang baik di mana sistem anda bisa
bertahan sampai kapanpun juga dan anda bisa tetap dalam koridor sistem
anda untuk tidak berganti-ganti sistem terus, lebih fokus kepada
compunding sehingga dalam 3 tahun anda bisa meraih profit yang luar
biasa nantinya.
Katakanlah profit anda bisa stabil 20% sebulan, dengan modal $100 dalam
satu tahun kalau di compound bisa menghasilkan $743, memang kelihatan
kecil, itu karena anda cuma bermodal $100 saja, tapi gimana kalo gak
ditarik2 dan dibiarkan sampai 3 tahun, ya anggap aja nabung, maka uang
anda yang tadinya cuma $100, sekarang menjadi $50.000."
NB : Mohon maaf dengan sangat, sumbernya saya lupa,
tapi saya dapat ilmu ini waktu belajar forex juga. dan mencarinya di
mbah google (dan sejujurnya dalam hati saya tidak ingin memplagiat).
Melihat, berpikir, menulis dan mempublikasikan kedalam satu wadah dan membaginya dalam beberapa label. Itulah Blogku yang sebagian besar berisi Tips dan Trik seputar Teknnologi Informasi
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Jumat, 04 Mei 2012
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Kamis, 03 Mei 2012
History Of The Spanish Language
Together with other initially European languages such as Portuguese, French or Italian, the linguistic roots of Spanish make it a Romance language. This means that Latin, or more specifically, Vulgar Latin, constitutes its most important linguistic base.
The constant contact and mutual influence of the Latin basis with other linguistic traditions and cultures has led to the formation of the different Romance languages as we know them today. In the case of Spanish, there are, for example, characteristics that come from the Iberian and Celtic traditions.
There is also a great amount of Greek vocabulary that was first adopted by Latin speakers and then brought into Spanish. Words such as "escuela" (school) or "huérfano" (orphan) all belong to this tradition. And we should not forget the seven centuries of Arab domination of the peninsula. This has left, among other things, an important legacy of lexical elements that have been incorporated into the Spanish language. A surname you probably know which exemplifies this is "Almodóvar".
Spanish is, especially in the bilingual territories of Spain, also known as castellano (Castilian), because of its origins in the region of Castilla. Castilla is situated in the north-central part of Spain, and it was once the neuralgic center of the Spanish empire that would take the Spanish language to more than twenty other countries
It is important to remember, however, that spoken Spanish is not identical in the different regions of the Spanish state. In fact, its pronunciation and lexical characteristics can vary to a very significant extent from one place to another. However, the maintenance of a unified, standard, version of the Spanish language and of its written form is guaranteed by the Real Academia de la Lengua Española. The Academia sets the rules to follow in order to speak and write in a way that is accepted by all the different Spanish speakers.
Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
How Blogging Markets Your Business...
There is a lot of talk about blogging. Some feel that blogging is just a passing fad, but others feel it is just the beginning. Some business analysts feel that blogging does not significantly help a business market the company. Many businesses feel that this is not so. Blogging can be a beneficial way to mark a business, build an audience and help link in other companies together.
Blogging can help almost any business expose their readers to their services and products. Sometimes with new products, a blog can create interest in something new. Blogging is helpful because it can talk in depth about the product, and it can also give step-by-step instructions on how a certain product can be used. A reader, who is interested in the product after reading about it on a blog, will be more inclined to research similar products on the Internet. This can lead to a more informed consumer and can save a consumer time when shopping or researching a new product. In turn, a company may save time because customers who have read the blog are already informed about the product. These customers can also read reviews on these products and services, which can be helpful in the buying process.
Another great thing about companies using a blog for their products and services is that a blog enables the company and the customer to communicate effectively. A customer can read the blog and comment on it right away. This provides good feedback to the company and they can know what the customers want. Usually blogs will provide places for readers to leave their comments or send emails to the writer. This is a good marketing tool for businesses. People enjoy communicating about products and services that they have had good or bad experiences with and blogging provided the opportunity to do so.
When companies use blogs, it also has the ability to create a sensation around a product and influence public opinion. This is an excellent tool for companies to use. Because of the huge popularity of blogging, this can be a more effective tool than some forms of advertising. Readers are more likely to share interesting blogs with their friends and this can help companies get the word out about their product.
Another way blogging can help market a business is that blogs often help a company position itself as a leader in a certain field. This means that those who blog can show their expertise about certain subjects and then updates this information on a regular basis. Blogging can help generate leads and send a positive message about your company without spending a lot of money for advertising. Readers can look at these blogs and know that they are dealing with a quality company.
Companies also use blogs to help network with other companies that compliment their business. This is beneficial because they can easily share their links and readers will see all of the blogs that relate to what they are searching for on the Internet. Link swapping is often used in blogging, especially with businesses.
Blogging is proving to be a beneficial marketing tool for businesses all over the world. While it's a fairly new way for companies and customers to communicate with each other, blogging provides an immediate and unique form of advertising for the company. Customers are able to read and research products and services through blogging and companies can better understand what their customers want.
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