You will may find these on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin. Although that is for Generally short term Daily market expectations. If you wish to see Long Term Market Calls you will need to come back to this page often.
1. 2013 Are you Prepared?
2. August 2011 Unfavourable Planetary Alignments.
2.1 August 2011 could be a tough Month for the Stock Market. Date posted 25thJuly 2011. NON Live indication of what might be a tough month.
3. Favourable & Unfavourable Planet Alignments in 2012. NON live indications of Favourable & Unfavourable planetary Alignments as discribed below.
3.1 Favourable Alignment in October 2012. Date Posted 27/12/2011
3.2 Unfavourable Planet Alignment April 2012. Date Posted 27/12/2011
3.3 Unfavourable Planet Alignment August 2012. Date Posted 27/12/2011
4.0 XJO Double Top & Pennant Formation REAL TIME Posted 15/01/2012
5.0 Further Explanation on Are you Prepared for 2013 Posted 15/01/2012.
6.0 S&P 500 Sqaures Out on the 26th January 2012 at NYSE LIVE Posted 26 Jan 2012 @ 10:14 New York Time7.0 AUD/USD Targets Date Posted AET 8AM 04/02/2012 REAL TIME.
8.0 TOP in the DOW, S&P 500 & NASDAQ – VIDEO DATE Posted 23/02/2012
Charts & Videos Below
8.0 TOP in the DOW, S&P 500 & Nasdaq – Video Date Posted 23/02/20126.0 S&P 500 Squares Out on the 26th January 2012 at NYSE LIVE Posted 26 Jan 2012 @ 10:14 AM
The S&P 500 Squared out at 1333.47 on the 26th January 2012 @ 10:10. This was double its Low of 666.79, It made on the 06/03/2009. Gann said he discovered Securities must Square out. He did not site a reason but I believe it is because God said “he would bring all things to be know whether Good or Bad”. In other words all things are squared out.
Points (1) Looking at the Synodic Planet Alignments, as an angle against the backdrop of the stars, they travel a certain number of degrees.
Mars – Earth 120 Degrees - Moved 4 star signs
Venus – Earth 300 Degrees Moved 10 Star Signs
Mercury- Earth 360 Degrees – Moved Back to the same spot reative to the Stars.
Ceres – Earth 91 Degrees – Square
Jupiter – Saturn 60 Degrees – Moved two star signs
Jupiter – Neptune 90 Degrees – Square
Jupiter – Pluto 90 Degrees – Square
Ceres – Saturn 90 Degrees – Square
Earth – Saturn 90 Degrees – Square
Vensu – Saturn 90 Degrees – Square
Mercury – Saturn 90 Degrees – Square
Note: that when a cycle goes more than 360 degress I.e. goes round more than once the 360 is dropped off., for example 420 degrees becomes 60 degrees (420-360 = 60 degrees).
Point (2) The Square of 52.
Gann used the Square of 52, because the year had 52 weeks in it. The squaring out took 1056 calendar days or 20*52 (1056).
It also took 728 days Trading Days or 14*52
Point 3 Earth – Ceres Chart below showing 1054 days Calendar Days
Gann box is displayed below to illustrate Gann’s Angles and how the S&P 500 respected the Time and Price Points (angles)
Other points of Anaylsis could be shown to support the above. Like the Sqaure of 144, the Number 666, the Number 7 and The Pentagram. However enough has been shown if you wish to see more on this please email Barry Gumm at
5.0 Further Explanation on Are you Prepared for 2013 date posted 15/01/2012.
Within this 17 year Stock Market Correction Cycle, there are other cycles are work notably the 5, 8 and 13 year cycles. (Fibonacci Numbers). The 13 year cycle is due in 2013. Eminance will reveal the actual cycle due date closer to the time it falls due. It is enough to know that this 13 year cycle is usually brutal. There is going to be a lot of money made for those who short the market in fact fortunes made for those are not in cash and long the market fortunes lost. You have been warned.4.0 XJO Double Top & Pennant Formation REAL TIME Posted 15/01/2012
Eminance has had this chart going for months now since the end of April 2011 (8 M0nths) based on the assumption that the two April highs was a possible Double top. Only updating it with the black lines when the Market drew a pennant. April 201o and April 2011 was only 3-4 days short of one calendar year, However it is one Gann’s 360 Degrees formations that he said to watch for. With this possible double top and the announcement of the Downgrades of European Countries after Market close on the 13/01/2012 USA NYSE time then it is highly likely that this pennant formation will break down over the new few days and over the course of the next month the XJO head down to the targeted 3319 level. Also note that on the 27/11/2011 Eminance Posted that February 2012 may be tough for the market also there may be a lead up to 2012, its seems we are now receiving the lead up to the unfavourable mathematical formation in February 2012.3.3 August has 9 unfavourable Planet Alignments.
August 2012 is looking like a tough month. The chart below is from the 15th August 2012. Also from a Heliocentric point of view (viewed from the Sun) the Helioalignments seem to hover around the number 153. 153 is a important number it is a perfect 5 month cycle.3.2 April 2012 has a lot of unfavourable planet alignments below is 27th April 2012.
April is looking like a tough month. However you should be aware as in August 2011. Although August was a tough month for the markets the markets were alreadly falling well before August 2011. Therefore it could be that before April comes along the market may be falling a few months before hand.3.1
Do not know why but October 2012 has a favourable indication, particularly the 29th October 2012 with 9 favourable alignments. Maybe this is becuase it is close to the US elections, we will find out as the time draws near.2. & 2.1
Below are two charts of the Planetary alignments for the 22nd August 2011, Gann used these a lot to accuratley predict future events. This one is from a man named L. J Jensen Economic Trend Analyst. He died in 1981 of old age. In his book titled Astro-Cycles & Speculative Markets he named favouable and unfavouable planetary alignments. As the planet cycles are a massive elliptical musical clock if you will, (goto if you wish to read more on this subject) it is wise to make note of these alignments.The problem with the approach is sometimes, it’s like / sort off telling the markets what to do and therefore subjective. Mr. Jensen studied the Astro-Cycles in relation to speculative Markets for 40 years. In January 2011, I went through the whole year for both his Favourable andUnfavourable alignments. August came up by far the most unfavourable, at the time I did not know why, yet it is only in the last couple of months that the Debt ceiling in the USA has become an issue along with Italy and the European debt problem again.. In other words how is it that a planet cycle can warn of trouble months and years into the future, before man (or politians) realises it themselves?…… goto then investing Gods wya to find out why…!
Below is a chart of August the 22nd 2011, showing 13 alignment or shapes, triangles for example. I am not saying it is it going to crash, but the mathematicial clock and Mr Jensen studies suggust it may be a tough month. The 22ndAugust is the worse day of the month but the whole of August had significantly higher unfavourable alignments than the other 11 mnths of the year. Natal Chart.
Emphesis Chart 22nd August 2011.
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